What information do we have about Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com?
- Is Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com legit or a scam?
- Who created Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com and how can I contact them?
- What do the WHOIS details tell us?
- How do I get my money back from Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com?
Is Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com legit or a scam?
Creating fake websites is easier than making real ones. Bad actors often copy everything from a genuine website that someone spent a lot of time building. They then just change the name to create a new, made-up website.
Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com is one of these deceptive websites. The people behind it have several such sites, all stolen from real online stores. Their goal is to trick people into paying for things that they never actually plan to deliver.
As well as running Container scams, the criminal behind Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com also operate multiple other non delivery scams.

Who created Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com and how can I contact them?
A non-delivery scam, also known as an order scam or purchase scam, occurs when someone pays for goods or services online, but the seller fails to deliver the promised items. In such scams, individuals or fake businesses may set up deceptive websites or online marketplaces, offering attractive products or services at seemingly reasonable prices.
After making a payment, the victim typically receives no or fake tracking information, and the purchased items are never shipped. The scammer disappears with the money, leaving the buyer without the intended product or service.
Non-delivery scams are a common type of online fraud, and they can involve various goods or services, including electronics, clothing, event tickets, or even pets. To avoid falling victim to such scams, it's crucial to research and verify the legitimacy of online sellers, use secure payment methods, and be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true.
Container Link Logistics PTY LTD Contact Details
It is not easy to find traceable contact details for Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com. The phone numbers they use are virtual and the email address is practically untraceable. Any address that they use on their contact page is going to be false, the address may be real, but Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com is not based there.
Phone number used: 261 0869
Email address used: [email protected]
Whois details for Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com
Domain | Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com |
Registrar | NameSilo, LLC |
Date Registered | Sunday 1st September 2024 |
Registered until | |
Name Servers | ns1.owlhost.net, ns2.owlhost.net |
Contact Name | Domain Administrator |
Contact Email | [email protected] |
Server Location | Phoenix, US |
What do the WHOIS details tell us?
Looking at the Whois details for Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com we can see that it was registered on Sun, 01 Sep 2024
Examining the registration details of Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com reveals that it was only registered on Sunday 1st September 2024, 1 year ago. Despite presenting itself as a credible and established e-commerce platform, this relatively recent registration raises concerns. What adds to this suspicion is that the domain is scheduled to expire on Friday, 2nd February 2024, a timeframe uncommon for authentic business websites but characteristic of Non-Delivery scams, where the intention is not to keep the website operational for an extended period. The WHOIS details indicate that the domain is officially registered with NameSilo, LLC by Domain Administrator ([email protected]). However, scammers frequently employ tactics such as using free, anonymous email addresses, fake names, or hiding behind anonymous registrations when creating new websites.
Furthermore, a critical aspect to consider is the hosting environment. Legitimate e-commerce platforms operated by reputable businesses often opt for more expensive hosting with a dedicated IP address, ensuring that only websites associated with the specific business are hosted on that server. In contrast, scammers tend to choose cheaper shared hosting options, sharing server space with numerous other websites. In more sophisticated cases, adept scammers might even purchase a dedicated IP address and host various scams on the same nameserver. Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com, in this instance, is hosted on ns1.owlhost.net, ns2.owlhost.net.
A comprehensive examination of other domains hosted on the same nameserver, accessible through dns.coffee, can provide valuable insights. The shared hosting scenario, especially with a generic nameserver, raises suspicions of potential fraudulent activities. As prudent online users, it’s crucial to exercise caution and thoroughly evaluate the legitimacy of recently registered domains, considering factors such as registration duration, expiration dates, WHOIS details, and hosting arrangements, to mitigate the risk of falling victim to scams.
How do I get my money back from Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com?
It is not easy to get your money back from Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com.
Did you use a credit card or debit card to make the payment?
Get in touch with the company or bank that gave you the credit or debit card. Tell them about the unauthorized charge and request them to cancel the transaction and refund your money.
Did you use a gift card for payment?
Reach out to the company that issued the gift card. Inform them that the card was used in a scam, and request a refund. Make sure to retain both the gift card and its receipt.
Did you use a company like Western Union or MoneyGram to send money via a wire transfer?
Get in touch with the company you used for the wire transfer. Let them know it was a scam, and request them to undo the transfer and return your money.
Contact details for specific companies:
- MoneyGram: Call 1-800-926-9400
- Western Union: Call 1-800-448-1492
- Ria (non-Walmart transfers): Call 1-877-443-1399
- Ria (Walmart2Walmart and Walmart2World transfers): Call 1-855-355-2144
Did you send a wire transfer through your bank?
Get in touch with your bank and let them know about the unauthorized transfer. Request them to undo the wire transfer and return your money to you.
Did you use a money transfer app to send money?
Tell the company that runs the money transfer app about the scam, and request them to undo the payment. If you connected the app to your credit card or debit card, inform your credit card company or bank about the fraud and ask them to cancel the charge.
Did you use cryptocurrency to make a payment?
When you use cryptocurrency to pay, it’s usually not possible to reverse the payment. If you want your money back, the person you paid needs to send it back to you. However, you can still try reaching out to the company you used to send the money. Let them know it was a fraudulent transaction and ask if they can undo it for you. Letting us know of any cryptocurrency accounts the scammers are using will help us expose them and prevent others being scammed.
Filing a report with us and adding any of the scammers account details will help us a lot as the data you provide us can
Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com Text Content
""Why go to a Storage Facility... When we can bring the storage facility to you?"® Visit Us! Check out our inventory of containers and buy the one you want. LOCATION 323 Beamish St, Campsie, NSW 2194 Australia Phone: 02 8261 0869 Email: [email protected] OUR DEPOTS WESTERN AUSTRALIAN REGION Fremantle Container Terminal North Fremantle WA 6159 SOUTH AUSTRALIA REGION 8 Coghlan Rd, Outer Harbor SA 5018 Online Chat Click on the chat icon in the bottom left hand corner of the website to start an online chat. Our sale representatives are normally available Monday - Friday during regular business hours. Shipping Container Uses Shipping Containers For Sale Company Information Our rental units are 20' long by 8' wide by 8.5' high (exterior dimensions). The interior volume is roughly 1,170 cubic feet. They can be rented with or without shelving. You can rent a storage unit from a minimum of one month to as long as you choose. If you need the container for less than a month, that’s fine, however you are still billed for the minimum rental period of a whole month. The amount of space is minimal. For a 20-foot unit, you will need approximately 75 feet of straight clearance. We deliver 20’ containers to your site using a tilt bed truck. The driver will back in the truck, tilt the bed, and drive out from underneath the container.The container will gently slide off the truck, onto the ground. The driver will need to pull straight out from underneath the container. The site will have to be fairly level, smooth, and firm. We can deliver on dirt, cement, grass, crushed stone, and asphalt. Keep in mind that a container might sink in a soft surface and our truck could leave tire marks. We recommend that you or a designated contact person be present the first time we deliver a unit to you. If this is not possible, we can discuss other alternatives. We strive to deliver your container in the shortest amount of time. We can usually deliver within a week. Upon delivery, we charge the first month’s rent, delivery, and pickup. Subsequent months are billed. We accept cash, check, and all major credit cards. When you are finished with the container and it has been swept out, give us a call. We will pick up the container in a timely manner. Your final bill will be prorated. For example, if your container is picked up on February 9, you will be charged for February 1- February 9, 9 days. It is your responsibility to check with your local authorities about the placement of the container. We do not provide insurance for your goods and liability of stored items rests with the customer. We do not have the capability to move containers full. Our containers can be used on site, filled, and we will pick them up when it is empty. We do not provide moving services. We ask that you not store any of the following materials in the container: illegal, toxic, waste, contaminated, controlled, hazardous, restricted, explosive, flammable, chemical, paint, or any inherently dangerous material of any kind. The containers are a neutral color in order to blend in with the surroundings. We Sell & Deliver Containers Where We Sell & Deliver Containers Get Directions To Our Container Depot Get A Quote Doors to the Cab, Doors to the Back Keep in mind that we back into the spot that the container will go, slide the container back, then pull out from under it. "
Text Content Containerlinklogisticsptyltd.com
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